cantik mmg cantik..smpi xsnggup mo pkai pla...
why? the colour is old..the pattern is outdated...
tp kain dia berkualiti..dari jakel gitu...
apa2pun,ak xtau akan pakai atau tidak..
xsanggup la...
rasa2nya apa prasaan mama ak bila nmpk ak pakai baju lain?
I am so in dilemma..
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Monday, September 14, 2009
Stuff I did when I was a kid..
I killed the little fishes from my family's putting them into a paint tinned..
Because of the curiousity, i also put one big fish ( I think its my dad's favourite )into the paint tinned and let it for about 15 minutes..
All the fishes died..
I came to conclusion that fishes cannot live in a water full of paint..
Nice experiment but cost a lot of lives..
My father would kill me if he knows this..
What a child.
Because of the curiousity, i also put one big fish ( I think its my dad's favourite )into the paint tinned and let it for about 15 minutes..
All the fishes died..
I came to conclusion that fishes cannot live in a water full of paint..
Nice experiment but cost a lot of lives..
My father would kill me if he knows this..
What a child.
macamana nak dapatkan hidung mancung..
ok2..ak mmg perasan orgnya..wlupun lobang idungku besar dan terimala hakikatnya..idung mak ni mancung n tidak kemek..hehe
like kwn mak prnah crita..ada foreigner tu ckp idung dia mcm butang,itu bmksd bukn mancung offense..its from my friend.
ok,brdsrkn dr pmerhatian mak tgk gmbr2 dr kcil..mmg byk pbezaannya..idung ak dulu mcm idung ct sara..seyius..
tp olh krn dr kcil ak diexpose dgn pnyakit bersin2 n automatik ak akn pegang idung stiap ms..(mcm budk hingusan kwn ak prnah ckp,siap panggl ak Shinbae dr ninja boy..but i dont care,kiut pla c Shinbae tu mcm ak..) hehe
so,stlh bbrp tahun mngamalkn budaya mgurut idung..trjadila 1 fenomena yakni prubhn bntuk d idung i..tada!!!!
(perasan sungguh ya!)..nmpk sgt teda cerita..hehe
like kwn mak prnah crita..ada foreigner tu ckp idung dia mcm butang,itu bmksd bukn mancung offense..its from my friend.
ok,brdsrkn dr pmerhatian mak tgk gmbr2 dr kcil..mmg byk pbezaannya..idung ak dulu mcm idung ct sara..seyius..
tp olh krn dr kcil ak diexpose dgn pnyakit bersin2 n automatik ak akn pegang idung stiap ms..(mcm budk hingusan kwn ak prnah ckp,siap panggl ak Shinbae dr ninja boy..but i dont care,kiut pla c Shinbae tu mcm ak..) hehe
so,stlh bbrp tahun mngamalkn budaya mgurut idung..trjadila 1 fenomena yakni prubhn bntuk d idung i..tada!!!!
(perasan sungguh ya!)..nmpk sgt teda cerita..hehe
Saturday, September 12, 2009
11 september..(coretan memori terindah)
ak blik rmah hr ni..beznye..apa yg bez?
-ak dpt bbuka awl dr ikut time d kl..
-mak ak blik keje awal n da stat cuti smpi ry..
-ayah ak akan bg duit blnje..minat2 le byk..ak ni kan boros..
-adik3 ak shock tgk ak blik..rp2nye parents ak xgtau dorg..(dorg pun igt ak blik sabtu)..
-parents ak trima suggestion ak mkn bbuka dgn kfc..hehe
-ak dpt rs msakan mak ak slen kfc..air tgn tu..miss them!
-masa bbuka,ak dpt msj kwn2 ak dkt smnnjung sbb dorg lmbt bbuka..
-mak ak suka beg2 n tudung2 yg ak beli....(wlupn xbelikn bju)..
-ak xkup tdur sbb lpas dinner d pwtc mlm sblm tu,kna drive alone p bangi n kene p klia lpas sahur..bukn lpas subuh ye..
-abang ak smpt ak jump wlupn kejap..makin kurus and ensem..
-abang ak mcm jeles tgk brg2 yg ak bw..hehe
-abang ak ambil kuih almond london yg sedap..1 tapau plak tu..xde langsung balance..
-bila ayah tngkp gmbr kmi berlima,ak paling putih..haha..
Syukur Alhamdulillah..
-ak dpt bbuka awl dr ikut time d kl..
-mak ak blik keje awal n da stat cuti smpi ry..
-ayah ak akan bg duit blnje..minat2 le byk..ak ni kan boros..
-adik3 ak shock tgk ak blik..rp2nye parents ak xgtau dorg..(dorg pun igt ak blik sabtu)..
-parents ak trima suggestion ak mkn bbuka dgn kfc..hehe
-ak dpt rs msakan mak ak slen kfc..air tgn tu..miss them!
-masa bbuka,ak dpt msj kwn2 ak dkt smnnjung sbb dorg lmbt bbuka..
-mak ak suka beg2 n tudung2 yg ak beli....(wlupn xbelikn bju)..
-ak xkup tdur sbb lpas dinner d pwtc mlm sblm tu,kna drive alone p bangi n kene p klia lpas sahur..bukn lpas subuh ye..
-abang ak smpt ak jump wlupn kejap..makin kurus and ensem..
-abang ak mcm jeles tgk brg2 yg ak bw..hehe
-abang ak ambil kuih almond london yg sedap..1 tapau plak tu..xde langsung balance..
-bila ayah tngkp gmbr kmi berlima,ak paling putih..haha..
Syukur Alhamdulillah..
Friday, September 11, 2009
I dont get it...
last two days, i went to my cousin's using komuter (KTMB).. I waited for at least 3times bfore managed to get in peacefully..
Btw,the timing was not right coz that time people were going back home from,u just have to bear wit it.. and wit the heavy bags,heavy mind..(u know,fasting)..i tried to keep positive..
I took the Seremban way.. BUT something happened that made me shocked..
It was the second attempt for me to go inside the train..(mind you,it was hectic)..and u know the guard who take care of the passengers that wants to go out but get stuck in the middle? They are the one who shouted 'Go further! There is a space more! Go inside lah! ' while knocking hard at the windows..
There are some holding the haler or that thing with siren..(I dont know the right word
Alright, my main story here is this...while pushing and grabbing people's back (in other words,stuck in the middle of people), the guard was also at the door which means he also stuck in the middle of the crowd..
Then suddenly..
there was this black guy (foreigner) who was also in the middle of the crowd got SHOUTED HARDLY by the guard.. and worst! using that fucking haler!
I was shocked..I thought, 'what did this guy did?'
Then,out of nowhere..while this guard shouting in unrecognizable words (which I think curse words)..
He use the haler and knock that guy's head! I repeat, knocked with the haler!
The black guy was shocked,and asked why..
But,he got more shouting and of course,swear words..
And of course he managed to get in before the guard can knocks him more..
And i didnt get in coz its too full.. I dont care about not getting in, but i was shocked with that incident.. I dont think that black guy did wrong, he just wanna enter the train.. I dont think he was doing something illegal that time like stealing or pushing.. What is it that made that guard did that to him?
Maybe bcoz he was a black? He doesnt look like a bad guy..looks like a student to me.. Mind you,living in the international U makes me able to differentiate educated and bad foreign people..and I dont think he is the bad person..really,its not that he is cute or not..he's not my type..full stop.
What makes me confuse is..why and why the guard did that to him? Doesnt that make us not considering foreign people as people too?
Or maybe the guard wants Malaysians to make priority riding the train first?..
Anyone can tell me why?
Btw,the timing was not right coz that time people were going back home from,u just have to bear wit it.. and wit the heavy bags,heavy mind..(u know,fasting)..i tried to keep positive..
I took the Seremban way.. BUT something happened that made me shocked..
It was the second attempt for me to go inside the train..(mind you,it was hectic)..and u know the guard who take care of the passengers that wants to go out but get stuck in the middle? They are the one who shouted 'Go further! There is a space more! Go inside lah! ' while knocking hard at the windows..
There are some holding the haler or that thing with siren..(I dont know the right word
Alright, my main story here is this...while pushing and grabbing people's back (in other words,stuck in the middle of people), the guard was also at the door which means he also stuck in the middle of the crowd..
Then suddenly..
there was this black guy (foreigner) who was also in the middle of the crowd got SHOUTED HARDLY by the guard.. and worst! using that fucking haler!
I was shocked..I thought, 'what did this guy did?'
Then,out of nowhere..while this guard shouting in unrecognizable words (which I think curse words)..
He use the haler and knock that guy's head! I repeat, knocked with the haler!
The black guy was shocked,and asked why..
But,he got more shouting and of course,swear words..
And of course he managed to get in before the guard can knocks him more..
And i didnt get in coz its too full.. I dont care about not getting in, but i was shocked with that incident.. I dont think that black guy did wrong, he just wanna enter the train.. I dont think he was doing something illegal that time like stealing or pushing.. What is it that made that guard did that to him?
Maybe bcoz he was a black? He doesnt look like a bad guy..looks like a student to me.. Mind you,living in the international U makes me able to differentiate educated and bad foreign people..and I dont think he is the bad person..really,its not that he is cute or not..he's not my type..full stop.
What makes me confuse is..why and why the guard did that to him? Doesnt that make us not considering foreign people as people too?
Or maybe the guard wants Malaysians to make priority riding the train first?..
Anyone can tell me why?
Monday, September 7, 2009
Last presentation before Eid..
Tomorrow is gonna be the day where my classmates will face a Great Boredom if they come to the class. LOL.. Why? Well,me n my girls are gonna present about Air Pollution..I repeat,Air Pollution.. Its not me who chose the title though,but because of the feeling of love towards our lovely friend..we accepted it. (which I dont know if she's already finishes with her part or not..)
Tomorrow is gonna be the day where after the presentation,I'm gonna sleep the whole evening.. LOL..
As an introducter of the presentation, I should make the attention getter to make my classmates focus on the important facts given by my other girls.. Yes,its gonna be a boring one..and I,the knight of the presentation will make them alert towards the whole presentation. Yeah!
P/s: Should you finishes with your part right now,Lala? Stop blogging and start thinking the attention getter!
Tomorrow is gonna be the day where after the presentation,I'm gonna sleep the whole evening.. LOL..
As an introducter of the presentation, I should make the attention getter to make my classmates focus on the important facts given by my other girls.. Yes,its gonna be a boring one..and I,the knight of the presentation will make them alert towards the whole presentation. Yeah!
P/s: Should you finishes with your part right now,Lala? Stop blogging and start thinking the attention getter!
Sunday, September 6, 2009
sinus worry..
when i saw the video of the critical condition of a sinus person..i was so freaking scared...its true,u dont even want a school of worms living in your nose and happily goes everywhere in your nose..euu! that sucks and irritates me!
well i told my mum about it and of course,she seems worry..she doesnt want her daughter to have that serious condition and also because my other brother also facing the same thing.. my mum always said that if i got sickness,my other brother will inheritate it from me..but for him,its worst.. well,at least im not the child with most sickness
back to this sinus thing, i tried the smoke things..from Cleopatra beauty company when i was in high school and its not that good..i felt difficulty in breathing and swear not doing it..but having to see that video from youtube,i changed my mind completely.. see? how a video can change people's view in an instance. lol.. i asked my mum about the leech things if they got it in my mum said she will look for it since im the one who asked it..well,its hard for me to get medicated even if my mum tried to persuade,when im the one who suggested it,what does it mean? well,it means im ready for it.. so,what else should i do to prevent my sinus becoming worst?
well i told my mum about it and of course,she seems worry..she doesnt want her daughter to have that serious condition and also because my other brother also facing the same thing.. my mum always said that if i got sickness,my other brother will inheritate it from me..but for him,its worst.. well,at least im not the child with most sickness
back to this sinus thing, i tried the smoke things..from Cleopatra beauty company when i was in high school and its not that good..i felt difficulty in breathing and swear not doing it..but having to see that video from youtube,i changed my mind completely.. see? how a video can change people's view in an instance. lol.. i asked my mum about the leech things if they got it in my mum said she will look for it since im the one who asked it..well,its hard for me to get medicated even if my mum tried to persuade,when im the one who suggested it,what does it mean? well,it means im ready for it.. so,what else should i do to prevent my sinus becoming worst?
few days more...
i have a presentation this tuesday..the weird thing is,my heart is already at home..i keep thinking how am i going to spend these few days enduring the homesick thing..its not that homesickest but its more of a holiday fever..and one of my lecturer keep saying no absenties on the last day but well,i just have to skipped it.. what more i could say,i have to speak to him or else i got listed as his most annyoying student..hope not.
still thinking how to buy the chicken serunding and also my mum's tudung..aigoo...hope manage to buy it before going back home..chiayok!
still thinking how to buy the chicken serunding and also my mum's tudung..aigoo...hope manage to buy it before going back home..chiayok!
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
something about 26 april..
it happened last year..the worst day of my life..i guess the song 'bad day' really suits this date..
i got back one day early from the actual registeration day thinking that the counter will open for early comer like me..but no,the counter is open but its for other student..for last semester students.. the clerk didnt even want to help me when i mentioned im from sabah and dont have any relatives here in selangor..just so u know,the clerk is young and a student..they afraid they might ruined something if help me check in early..bullshit..just say u r lazy,bitch. i was so pissed off for that kind of service..when i desperately needs help,they didnt even look into my eyes and tried to get me out from the eyes were full of tears but not yet crying..
so i'll try to think positive by staying at the surau for the night..but thinking that i will face difficulty in finding food..i contacted my cousin..thank God she is stil here and not in vacation. But,she was busy that evening and only managed to give the room keys to me. So,i had to go to the hostel by myself..mind you,her hostel is an old condominium near chinese cemetary..and I had to go there by
with positive attitude,i went to CM to take cab and go to the hostel. Its already sunset..and i was alone in CM with 3 heavy bags.. Since i was hungry,i went to KFC and bought snack plate to eat.. I had difficulty of taking care of 3 bags and at the same time bought the food..but,i still think positively.. However,by the time i put the food tray on my table,the drink fell and it spilled all over the table and the embarassed i was when many eyes looked at me.. pretty rough situation with me with 3 bags,adjusting the chairs and asked the worker to clean the,i just ate the food without drink..and i was so thirsty during that time.
after eating, i went to 7 eleven to buy mineral water..and after that i waited in front of UO to get the cab..thinking i will be alone taking bus and the place is really dangerous..i started to think fast. Because UO is a place full of students from the same place as my cousin,i started to talk to some of the people who waited the cab and thank God..a couple of people are going to the same place as i am. and what's more,they are also sabahan and knew my cousin..good Lord.
so,we took the same cab and because of my stupidity,the taxi driver scolded me for putting all 3 bags with me..(i sat in the front)..fine,patience is my friend that day. So,the girls got out early from me and by the time the cab arrived at my cousin's condominium,he didnt want to go deeper road and asked me to go walk alone.. How rude! he is such a bullshit..But becasue i was extremely tired,i dont want to argue wit him and pay double..yes,double the fare..he's good right? stupid fucking old man. And there was me,alone in the dark with 3 bags without lamp street..oh God,how freaky it was walking in an old condominium..i started to pray while walking and thank God arrived at her room..
i felt that's the worst day of my life yet..because i can feel that im the only person living alone without anyone's help..huhu.. that taught me a lot u know..
i got back one day early from the actual registeration day thinking that the counter will open for early comer like me..but no,the counter is open but its for other student..for last semester students.. the clerk didnt even want to help me when i mentioned im from sabah and dont have any relatives here in selangor..just so u know,the clerk is young and a student..they afraid they might ruined something if help me check in early..bullshit..just say u r lazy,bitch. i was so pissed off for that kind of service..when i desperately needs help,they didnt even look into my eyes and tried to get me out from the eyes were full of tears but not yet crying..
so i'll try to think positive by staying at the surau for the night..but thinking that i will face difficulty in finding food..i contacted my cousin..thank God she is stil here and not in vacation. But,she was busy that evening and only managed to give the room keys to me. So,i had to go to the hostel by myself..mind you,her hostel is an old condominium near chinese cemetary..and I had to go there by
with positive attitude,i went to CM to take cab and go to the hostel. Its already sunset..and i was alone in CM with 3 heavy bags.. Since i was hungry,i went to KFC and bought snack plate to eat.. I had difficulty of taking care of 3 bags and at the same time bought the food..but,i still think positively.. However,by the time i put the food tray on my table,the drink fell and it spilled all over the table and the embarassed i was when many eyes looked at me.. pretty rough situation with me with 3 bags,adjusting the chairs and asked the worker to clean the,i just ate the food without drink..and i was so thirsty during that time.
after eating, i went to 7 eleven to buy mineral water..and after that i waited in front of UO to get the cab..thinking i will be alone taking bus and the place is really dangerous..i started to think fast. Because UO is a place full of students from the same place as my cousin,i started to talk to some of the people who waited the cab and thank God..a couple of people are going to the same place as i am. and what's more,they are also sabahan and knew my cousin..good Lord.
so,we took the same cab and because of my stupidity,the taxi driver scolded me for putting all 3 bags with me..(i sat in the front)..fine,patience is my friend that day. So,the girls got out early from me and by the time the cab arrived at my cousin's condominium,he didnt want to go deeper road and asked me to go walk alone.. How rude! he is such a bullshit..But becasue i was extremely tired,i dont want to argue wit him and pay double..yes,double the fare..he's good right? stupid fucking old man. And there was me,alone in the dark with 3 bags without lamp street..oh God,how freaky it was walking in an old condominium..i started to pray while walking and thank God arrived at her room..
i felt that's the worst day of my life yet..because i can feel that im the only person living alone without anyone's help..huhu.. that taught me a lot u know..
mlm ni tda crita hantu sbb crita kisah lain pla..kisah kbiadapan certain pljr trhdp lecturr..huhuhu..bhy jga tu..i ni pun xla biadap sgt,klu btl2 xpuas ati pun i mrungut dgn kwn2 je..baik kan i..haha..yala tu.
ok i cb crita saki baki bbrapa mlm lalu..
ada kwn i ni,sdara dia alami effect ja bdpan dgn mklhluk hlus tp xpnah nmpk dpan2.. mcm ni critanya, pkul 2pg ni..smua tbgn terbau bnda busuk btul d rmah dorg ni..cari punya cari rupanya bangkai tikus,c mamat ni pun dtugaskn mbuang bangkai ni..ya,pd pkul 2pg ni kna buang..xkanla mo buang di tong smph rmah pla..lg la bau bsuk yg trmat,c mamat ni pun kenala buang di tmpt jauh. sblh tgn kirinya pgang pnyodok yg ada bangkai dan sblh kanan pla stat enjin motor..blum smpat pun motor hidup,dia dgr bunyi 'slurrp!' dgn pntasnya..skali dia tgk di pnyodoknya,bangkai tu sda tiada. bygkn btapa tkjutnya mamat ni smpi esoknya dmam. Tu br dgr,blum lg bdpan..ish3...
ok i cb crita saki baki bbrapa mlm lalu..
ada kwn i ni,sdara dia alami effect ja bdpan dgn mklhluk hlus tp xpnah nmpk dpan2.. mcm ni critanya, pkul 2pg ni..smua tbgn terbau bnda busuk btul d rmah dorg ni..cari punya cari rupanya bangkai tikus,c mamat ni pun dtugaskn mbuang bangkai ni..ya,pd pkul 2pg ni kna buang..xkanla mo buang di tong smph rmah pla..lg la bau bsuk yg trmat,c mamat ni pun kenala buang di tmpt jauh. sblh tgn kirinya pgang pnyodok yg ada bangkai dan sblh kanan pla stat enjin motor..blum smpat pun motor hidup,dia dgr bunyi 'slurrp!' dgn pntasnya..skali dia tgk di pnyodoknya,bangkai tu sda tiada. bygkn btapa tkjutnya mamat ni smpi esoknya dmam. Tu br dgr,blum lg bdpan..ish3...
CTB (Cerita time berbuka)
ok2..ada byk lg crita ni..i pun knala code swtich my language for appropriate use la kan..hehe..i akn guna bhs sms utk mmdhkan kerja i menaip..tau2la,i ni mls orgnya mo tulis full2 ni..bhs rojak pun byk jga u guys phm jga kan..hehe..ok smbung crita..
ni dcritakan olh wrter post sblm ni..klu xphm,sila bc post sblm ni yakni d bwh ya..
C polan ni slalu dinasihati olh neneknya supy jgn simpn atau biar nasi brtrabur slps mkn..klu blh buang la..klu tdak,nasi sbutir tu akn btukar jd 'gula-gula'..phm jga kan 'gula-gula' tu apa kan.. olh krana c polan ni xpcaya sgt,satu hari dia pun test ambil nasi brtrbur lpas dia mkn n ltak d atas meja slbh guess what,benda tu ada btul2 d sblhnya ms dia tdur..huuuu...mcm crita pocong 2 mmg seram jga la crita pocong 2 tu..sesuai dtgk olh org2 yg suka horror mcm i ni.hehe. so,itula pnglamn c polan ni..
ni dcritakan olh wrter post sblm ni..klu xphm,sila bc post sblm ni yakni d bwh ya..
C polan ni slalu dinasihati olh neneknya supy jgn simpn atau biar nasi brtrabur slps mkn..klu blh buang la..klu tdak,nasi sbutir tu akn btukar jd 'gula-gula'..phm jga kan 'gula-gula' tu apa kan.. olh krana c polan ni xpcaya sgt,satu hari dia pun test ambil nasi brtrbur lpas dia mkn n ltak d atas meja slbh guess what,benda tu ada btul2 d sblhnya ms dia tdur..huuuu...mcm crita pocong 2 mmg seram jga la crita pocong 2 tu..sesuai dtgk olh org2 yg suka horror mcm i ni.hehe. so,itula pnglamn c polan ni..
cerita time berbuka..
memang bez la bbuka dgn kwn2..byk rangkuman cerita2 yg dceritakn olh mrk2 ni..nikmatnya mndgr crita smpi mrmang bulu2 roma ini wlupun di bulan ramadhan..hehe..dajal sungguh..apa2pun,stiap cerita ini dcritakn olh org2 yg bnar ya..sprti yg dikata olh c pnceritanya..mrila!
cerita pertama
ada sorg writer ni..dia mnceritakn kisahnya buat kali prtama stlh mmndamnya atas alsn utk tdak mmudartkan nm skolhnya..oleh sbb writer ini tdak dktahui nmnya,biarla kita mmnggilnya polan. dlm crita ini ada 3 watak,c polan dan dua kwn2 c polan. kita nmkan mereka A dan B..ok,satu mlm c A nak p toilet..jd dia mintala tman dgn c B ni p toilet..c writer pla tgh tdur. jadi smpi d toilet,c B ni tggula d luar smbil tgk2 cermin..harus diigt ya,keadaan pd ms itu adlh lewat mlm..msh lg brani tgk cermin..xkuasa mak. jd c B smbl mnunggu ni statla mnyanyi smbl disahut ole c A dlm toilet..jd statla mreka mnyanyi bduet2 ala2 artis kampung..ttba..c A stop mnyanyi..c B ni statla panggil2 c tiada sahutan..stlh pnggl bkali2..still tiada respon..jd xsdapla hati c B ni.
Dia pun p la pnggl kwn2nya d asrama tu tmsuk c writer ni..dorg pun spakat mo tndang pintu toilet tu stlh tiada respon dr c A. Alangkah tkjutnya bila dorg tgk keadaan c A. kpalanya msuk dlm tangki tandas dan tangannya msuk dlm lubang tndas..dan pling mngerikan,dorg nmpk satu lmbaga tgh pgang kpalanya smbil hisap2. fuhh..dasat.. jd dorg pun p la pnggl ustaz and ms ustaz tu smpi d toilet,benda tu pun sda tiada. Yg tinggal hanyala mayat kwn dorg ni iaitu c A. Mlm tu jga pihak atasn pnggl polis dan uruskn jnzah. Bsok pg cerita tu lnyap begitu sahaja krn tkut akn mnakutkn bdak2 yg lain. Dkatakan c A tlah brpindah sklah walhal sda mningal dunia. Itula ceritanya..
cerita pertama
ada sorg writer ni..dia mnceritakn kisahnya buat kali prtama stlh mmndamnya atas alsn utk tdak mmudartkan nm skolhnya..oleh sbb writer ini tdak dktahui nmnya,biarla kita mmnggilnya polan. dlm crita ini ada 3 watak,c polan dan dua kwn2 c polan. kita nmkan mereka A dan B..ok,satu mlm c A nak p toilet..jd dia mintala tman dgn c B ni p toilet..c writer pla tgh tdur. jadi smpi d toilet,c B ni tggula d luar smbil tgk2 cermin..harus diigt ya,keadaan pd ms itu adlh lewat mlm..msh lg brani tgk cermin..xkuasa mak. jd c B smbl mnunggu ni statla mnyanyi smbl disahut ole c A dlm toilet..jd statla mreka mnyanyi bduet2 ala2 artis kampung..ttba..c A stop mnyanyi..c B ni statla panggil2 c tiada sahutan..stlh pnggl bkali2..still tiada respon..jd xsdapla hati c B ni.
Dia pun p la pnggl kwn2nya d asrama tu tmsuk c writer ni..dorg pun spakat mo tndang pintu toilet tu stlh tiada respon dr c A. Alangkah tkjutnya bila dorg tgk keadaan c A. kpalanya msuk dlm tangki tandas dan tangannya msuk dlm lubang tndas..dan pling mngerikan,dorg nmpk satu lmbaga tgh pgang kpalanya smbil hisap2. fuhh..dasat.. jd dorg pun p la pnggl ustaz and ms ustaz tu smpi d toilet,benda tu pun sda tiada. Yg tinggal hanyala mayat kwn dorg ni iaitu c A. Mlm tu jga pihak atasn pnggl polis dan uruskn jnzah. Bsok pg cerita tu lnyap begitu sahaja krn tkut akn mnakutkn bdak2 yg lain. Dkatakan c A tlah brpindah sklah walhal sda mningal dunia. Itula ceritanya..
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