Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Horror in Hostel 2

Setiap perkara yg terjadi pasti ada sebabnya. Dan dalam cerita ni,setiap kejadian yang berlaku sebenarnya membawa pengajaran bermakna yang seharusnya tidak sekali-kali dilupakan.

Ini adalah kejadian BBQ yang benar2 berlaku di kampusku dan aku sendiri mengalaminya depan mata.

Alkisahnya begini, dua semester lalu..dalam bulan 3 ketika final exams,kakak2 yang nak grad ni mencadangkan BBQ diadakan bersama2 roomate masing2. Jadi setelah dikumpul,dalam 10 orang ikut BBQ ni. Dan ini termasuklah aku,dan Kak Nina,roomateku.

BBQ ni bermula jam 5 dengan proses pembakaran,penyediaan dan lain-lain. Dalam pukul 7 setengah, kami pun start makan beramai2. Tempat kami BBQ ni hanyalah dalam 50 meter dari hostel kami,yakni berdekatan sungai di bawah jambatan kampus. Kami memasak dekat area2 situ dan kami duduk makan di lorong pejalan kaki (sebab lorong itu sahaja yang ada lampu).

Setelah azan solat Maghrib berkumandang, kami masih lagi duduk di lantai sambil bercerita. Keadaan sekeliling pun gelap. Dalam suasana gelap dan sunyi, aku mencadangkan supaya bercerita tentang hantu.

Selepas aku mencadangkan hal tu, Fiza yang duduk di hadapanku segera bersuara kerana ingin bercerita tentang ceritanya. Tetapi sebelum dia bermula,dia melihat ke belakangku sambil mulut tertutup. Keadaan sunyi.

Utk pengetahuan, belakangku adalah sungai Pusu yang gelap gelita. Dan apabila aku menoleh ke belakangku, aku melihat satu susuk putih dan berkopiah seperti sedang memanggil kami dengan lenggok tangannya ke tempatnya.Susuk tubuh itu berada di seberang sungai.

Aku dan Fiza terdiam sebentar.

'Cuba korang tengok tu',kata Fiza.

Sebelum sempat yang lain menoleh, Kak Nina berkata,

'Eleh,tu kan pemancing yang selalu memancing situ'

Selepas mendengar kata Kak Nina, aku pun menyambung makan tanpa memikirkan sangat kejadian tadi. Namun, aku hairan, dalam keadaan gelap gelita,susuk tubuh itu dilingkari cahaya umpama ada lampu di situ sedangkan tidak ada lampu di area sungai tersebut.

Setelah makan,kami pun bergilir2 menunaikan solat maghrib. Setelah semuanya selesai makan, kami pun berkemas2.

Salah seorang kwnku, Kak Su ingin membuang lebihan arang ke sungai tersebut. Setelah dia membuang sampah tersebut, slh seorg rakan kami menegur kenapa membuangnya ke dalam sungai. Ini kerana dia percaya kita tidak boleh sewenang2nya membuang sampah ke kawasan yang tidak kita kenali.

Kak Su yang mendengar hal tersebut merasa takut dan dia hanya dapat menenangkan dirinya dengan mengatakan dia ada membaca doa sebelum mebuang sampah tersebut.

The story goes on..

Malam tu, aku lepak di bilik Kak Nina dan menanyakan hal susuk tubuh tadi. Aku bertanya dari mana dia tahu susuk itu pemancing sedangkan pemancing hanya akan memancing selepas Isyak.

Kak Nina pun berkata, 'Akak sengaja cakap macam tu sebab nanti semua lari lintang pukang'

Aku terkedu. Jadi apa yang kami nampak tadi adalah.....

Aku tahu sekiranya kami berdua memikirkan benda ini,memang kami takkan dapat tidur lena. Jadi aku pun berkata,

'Mungkin dia suruh kita sembahyang Maghrib la tu kak,sebab tu dia menjelma time tu'

Hoooooo~ Aku ni pun cakap utk menyedapkan hati.

Hal ni kami ceritakan kepada 2 junior/roomate kami. Dan mereka pun rasa lain semacam.

Mesti kamu ingat cerita ni sudah habis kan? Belum lagi..

Besoknya, Kak Nina menceritakan dia dikacau di bilik dengan lokernya seperti dibuka-buka.Dan seorang roomateku juga mendengar bunyi ketukan di tingkapnya malam itu. Woooo..

Dan aku? Aku tidur awal dan lena dan tidur mati malam itu. Dan roomate2ku sentiasa membuat konklusi yang aku mungkin ada saka sebab setiap kali aku tidur awal,pasti ada yang tidak diingini berlaku. Iyala tu~

Kesimpulannya, benarlah kata orang2 tua, kalau dah maghrib tu,janganlah di luar rumah..dan.. janganlah membuang sampah merata2 kerana bukan sahaja menyebabkan pencemaran tapi juga gangguan mistik..

Sehingga post seterusnya.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Horror in Hostel (in BM)

Ni cerita benar yang berlaku oleh juniors a.k.a roomateku dua semester lepas. Ingatla bilikku itu bilik 3.7.. Dan cerita ini adalah cerita yang aku ingat essencenya saja dan kemungkinan ada fakta2 yang tertinggal. Tetapi, cerita ni adalah cerita benar.

Kisah ini berlaku pada hari thaipusam tahun ini. Dan dua junior ini, I dan F pergilah ke Bandar Tasik Selatan utk beli tiket balik johor. Sudah namanya cuti,mestila ramai orang kan dan dorang ni naiklah komuter. Dalam komuter ni, si F ni terlepasla cakap yang dia tak sanggup hidu bau ketiak orang yang menyambut perayaan ni. Untuk pengetahuan, komuter yang dorang naik penuh dengan orang2 yang baru balik dari Bt Caves.

Alkisahnya, malam tu bermula sesuatu yang horror. Salah satu perkara pelik yg blaku adalah kedua2 senior dlm bilik yakni aku dan kak Nina tidur awal malam tu. Aku pun pelik juga dengan apa yang berlaku dengan aku. Bayangkanlah, tak pernah dlm profession ak sbg seorg yg suka tgk movie di laptop,tetiba tertutup mata tepat jam 12..depan movie pula tu. Kalau dalam pawagam,memanglah pernah. Atleast klu aku penat nak tidur pun,aku akan sempat tutup movie,laptop dan terus tidur. Ni memang pelik. Memang ‘benda’ tu suruh tidur kot sebab dia nak kacau junior ni.

Lagi satu, kak Nina yang selalu tidur lewat ni pun tiba2 tidur awal,sampai pagi pula tu. Selalu dia ni tidur awal, bangun jam 4pagi mandi manda. Tapi bukan malam ni. Wuuuuuu..

So, dikacaulah si F mlm tu… Menurut cerita, jam 4.30 pagi,si F ni dengarlah suara somebody menyanyi lagu P. Ramlee..(Harus diingat,seluruh bilik gelap..setiap compartment tutup lampu masing2).

Si F ni pun ambillah al-Quran dan letakkan di dadanya. Nak tau apa ‘benda’ tu ckp?

..’Ai,letak Quran di dada nampak’..

Fuhhh~ si F ni nak panggil senior2 pun bilik dah gelap semua,semua tidur mati pula tu. So, dia pun hidupkan lampu sambil mata memang tak boleh tidur.

Dan bila dia baring, ‘benda’ ni mencapai tangannya dari belakang ke bahu si Farah ni menerusi lubang yang menjadi perantaraan setiap compartment (Budak mahallah pasti tau lubang ni).

Kiranya macam2 jugalah dia dikacau benda tu. Bila sampai subuh barulah benda tu hilang. Dan si F ni dapatlah tidur. Huhuhu..

Menerusi apa yang diceritakan, the moral of the story,kita hormatilah orang,jaga mulut terutama di tempat awam ni..

Who knows, maybe benda tu benda yang terlepas dari upacara thaipusam yang sememangnya terkenal dengan upacara spirit keluar dari badan. Maybe benda tu dari 60an,yalah siap tau lagu P.Ramlee gitu..hehe

Banyak lagi yang berlaku di bilik hostelku ni. Nantikan~

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Horror GEEK..


I know,it's been a long time..However,it's not that I'm not doing anything, right?..Hehe

I've been doing some stuffs and kinda enjoying life these days..

Ok,i'm gonna tell something that I love doing at the age of 22..instead of fulfilling student's life in which i have approximately 4 months left to enjoy..There are other things that I do..

One of them...is...that..

I'm a horror fan..anything Gothic,dark,scary stuff is my food..But I'm not the type who wears black lipstick,eyeliner,blusher..blusher?..all the time..I'm just the same typical Malaysian girl..Yep.. I dont know which part of me is typical but i think i am..Hmm..

Alright,from what I have observed my life is, I think I'm more into comic-graphic horror thing..Books? Yes. Online stuffs? Yes. Verbal stories? Yes. Movies? Hell yes! But none of that can beat my desire reading horror comic-graphic novel things.

But it's hard to find those stuffs..Only by accidents then I'll not hesitate to buy them.

The INFINITI book also helps me enlightening my knowledge about certain stuffs but boy the contents are so limited..

I wish I have a book that has more than 5000 pages..Hahaha~ Then it will make my days happier atleast a year...hehehe..

Being a horror fan is something honourable to me..This is due to the fact only me liking it among my close friends..hOHohoO~

Some of my friends are shopaholic-discounts type,some are hardworking yet scandalous,some are blank,some are crazy,some are weird/unique,some have boyfriend..huh? hahaha

Errr...hmmm...OMG! Writer's block now!

I'm LALA,signing off!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

I will accept my mistakes if you are telling it in a proper way.

Its been too long for me to update my blog..and the reason is easy. No commitment. I have to admit I’m no good in maintaining my commitment towards things.

Lazy, perhaps? I think its not lazy but more into my view towards things surrounds me. I take it for granted. I really admit that actually.

There are certain things that if I’m into it, I’ll be the most committed person you have ever seen. Serious.

Enough of that. I really want to know this thing that has been going on in my mind these days. Hope you guys could help me.

Why are some people really sensitive? (and I think they are good in making faces too)

Well, its good to be sensitive but the part that I don’t get is that some are keeping inside their heart and didn’t tell the truth about it. I mean, could you just tell the truth than keeping and making your heart more hurtful than before?

True that its going to be a not so good situation if you just tell the truth because some people cant accept the truth right. But in my condition, someone that you known for like your life is doing this to you. Don’t you just feel sick?

And by the time that someone finally telling the truth, you just shocked (for me, I felt pity because you kept them for so long and guess how many diseases you get just by keeping it)..

Be truthful to your friends that you think are friends for this world and hereafter.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

A Friend's Confession

These few days I've been listening to 2AM song entitled 'A Friend's Confession'..with meaningful words,I know lots of people have experienced this kind of feeling. Me? I never experience this situation yet..all that I know,if I face it some day,I will learn something.

The lyric:

It's been a while
since my heart has been changing,
since I've been dealing with it lonesome..
every time you came back,
I hated the guy that made you cry

I'd rather protect you,
although I don't know if it will make it better...

This time I'll hold you and love you
is what I thought

Baby, come to me now
And be my lady
I've watched you for too long
I stood there with no words,
hiding my pitiful heart.

As a friend, to remain as friends,
I had to push the confessions down my throat
But now I'll confess to you,
I love you...

You hold my hand and tell me you only have me
Keeping me as a friend,
you say it's a blessing
Whenever you say let's never change,
I had to push my feelings down

It might be best if I protect you,
not knowing if it will be better

I kept hearing it but I kept cool
I was too scared to lose you, but...

Baby (Baby) Come to me now (Come to me)
And be my lady (lady)
I've watched you for too long
I stood there with no words,
hiding my pitiful heart (No)

As a friend (Your friend), to remain as friends (I know),
I had to push the confessions down my throat (The overflowing words)

That confession (confession) I had to hold it in (I couldn't say it)
But now I'll confess to you,
I love you...

Monday, December 21, 2009

When the ice melts

three hundred and sixty degree of spin off had moved around the air..

for me,the anticipation regarding the situation doesnt really boost the increasing level of dignity for more..

has the hair of solution has slowly giving up?

no,its not the problem that one faces..mere hope.

then? the filteration of unsatisfying lean has changes all.

has it proven the acknowledgement? please..nothing can beat it..

dug your height of damnation if u think of redemption.


Friday, November 6, 2009

Omayra Sanchez

When I was little,I saw this programme about tragedy and it was about this kid trapped in a water and cannot be rescued even with the help of a helicopter..

I was wondering why they couldnt help her and let her died..

The kid waved goodbye to the camera and it shocked me..Well as a kid, it really took me apart psychologically...

Then last night I saw this kid's photo on the World's Famous Photo Ever article..

That kid is Omayra Sanchez.

After so many years finding the truth (and I even thought it was a dream)..I finally understand why they cannot rescued her.

This is what I found:

Omaira Sanchez was 13 years old at the time and lived with her parents, her brother and an uncle. However, prior to the tragedy, her mother had traveled to Bogotá on business. The night of the disaster, she and her family had awakened and heard of the volcanic fluid going in their direction. In the process of evacuating to a nearby mount, Omaira's grandmother fell into a water aqueduct hole, and Omayra herself stopped with the intent to rescue her trapped sibling, when the flow reached them. Omayra got trapped under her own home's concrete and debris and could not escape. When rescue teams tried to help her, they realized that her legs were trapped.


I recommend to see her video on youtube,where she asked the reporter what News channel was it and ...

She sent a message to her mom..very emotional..

'"Mum, if you are listening to me, I think you are... pray so I can walk and this people can help me... Mummy, my daddy, my brother and me love you deeply. Goodbye mother"

You can see it here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MKL2M-qw4sU

May she rest in peace.